Current Offerings

Dancing the Inner Landscape
Authentic Movement + Opening to Expression
Sundays 11 - 1pm
May 5, 19, June 16, June 30
(and June 2 1:30 -3:30pm)
with Teresa Smith
$20 / per class
Score Dance Studio
59 Oneil Street, Kingston, NY 
Drop in and sing up. Questions:
Authentic Movement is a practice of moving, vocalizing and witnessing in a deeply supportive, connected community. It is a way to experience, express and integrate material of the psyche and soma (body) through movement. Interpersonal connection is developed in this practice through the non-judgemental relationship of mover and witness. Authentic movement is also a fertile source for creative inspiration and the development of physically expressive virtuosity.

Each class will include a warm-up and improvisation exploration drawn from Contact Improv, Skinner Releasing, bodywork or post-modern dance to inform and develop our dancing. Occasionally guest teachers will add their movement resources to our experience. This class is open to people of all levels of movement experience and ability, teens and adults. 
Teresa Smith brings to her teaching a warm appreciation of each person's essence and delights in awakening the creative spirit. Her teaching and performing spans the fields of post-modern dance, authentic movement, contact improvisation, release technique, butoh, ballet, breathwork, sufi dance meditation, and consciousness studies. She is a graduate of Bennington College and The European Dance Development Center, a teacher of Dancemeditation™, and a facilitator of Dreamshadow Transpersonal Breathwork. Many years ago Teresa toured and performed in the US and Europe with post-modern choreographers and collaborative improvisation ensembles. Currently, through Earthbody Events she presents performance and workshops emerging from an intimate conversation with the body, psyche and nature environment.


Dreamshadow Transpersonal Breathwork
June 7 - 9, 2024
Residential Weekend Workshop
with Jace Langone and Teresa Smith

Earthdance Retreat Center, Plainfield, MA
Open to your Psyche and somatic landscape. Dreamshadow Group offers a weekend workshop of holotropic breathwork, as developed by Stan Grof and Christina Grof. (Breath-assisted inner journeying in 3hr sessions). Join us for an embodied, expressive and integrative experience of expanded states of consciousness. During this special Earthdance weekend, dance meditation, process philosophy, and a collective sound circle will be included to support your breathwork experience.
 This Dreamshadow® produced workshop is co-facilitated by Teresa Smith and Jace Langone, PsyD, licensed clinical psychologist specializing in spiritually-integrated adult psychotherapy, certified in MDMA therapy, and Process Thought and Practice.

Past Workshops

Earthbody Breathwork
April 27, 2024
1 day workshop in Woodstock, NY
with Wendy Leffel and Teresa Smith

Join us for a special day of holotropic breathwork in Woodstock, NY with Dreamshadow® and Grof® certified breathwork facilitators Wendy Leffel and Teresa Smith. In this workshop we'll dive deep into expanded states of consciousness through the holotropic breathwork process developed by Stan Grof and Christina Grof (long-form breath assisted inner journeying in 3 hour sessions). Hosted in a peaceful countryside home, with opportunities for integration outside with the mountains, streams and trees. This will be a special time to connect with self and others in a safe and supported group setting. Scholarship available.

What is holotropic breathwork?
The basic components of holotropic breathwork are intensified breathing, evocative music, focused bodywork, expressive drawing, and group process. Participants may enter deep, expanded states of consciousness during breathwork, vividly connecting to biographical material and embodied mystical states. They may relive experiences from birth, or connect with experiences of other people, lives and life forms. Cathartic emotional release and archetypal, mythic and transcendent realms of consciousness are often experienced. Bodywork in breathwork is a somatic process that moves energy towards release, support and integration, as needed. Particular attention is paid to creating a safe space for individual and community healing and evolution.

Teresa Smith is a certified facilitator of Dreamshadow® Transpersonal Breathwork, Grof® Legacy Breathwork and Sufi Dancemeditation™. Teresa's facilitation of Breathwork draws on a background in dance, bodywork, yoga and consciousness studies. She brings to all her endeavors a warm appreciation of each person’s essence and a delight in awakening the creative spirit.

Wendy Leffel, MD is a certified facilitator of Dreamshadow® Transpersonal Breathwork, also trained in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and hypnosis. Wendy recently retired from a career in Family Medicine and Addiction Medicine, previous to that she taught yoga. She looks forward to supporting your inner journey to wholeness.

Breathwork and Shamanic Nature 
February 17 - 18, 2024 in Woodstock, NY
(with a Zoom 'Intro to Breathwork' Fri 2/16, 7 -8pm)
with Teresa Smith and Shakti Smith
In the enchantment of winter, an immersive weekend...

Join us for a special weekend connecting breathwork and shamanic practice! In this workshop we'll dive deep into our ecological, collective and individual subconscious through holotropic breathing as developed by Stan Grof and Christina Grof (long-form breath assisted inner journeying in 3 hour sessions). To prepare for the breathwork sessions, we'll practice shamanic techniques from Siberian and South American lineages, connecting our breath to the earth's breath, to the trees, and to the star's light. 

No experience with Breathwork or Shamanism needed, beginner's mind encouraged! Hosted in a peaceful countryside home, with opportunities for shamanic work outside with the mountains, streams, trees. This will be a special time to connect with self and others in a safe and supportive environment.

Teresa Smith is a certified facilitator of Dreamshadow® Transpersonal Breathwork, Grof® Legacy Breathwork and Sufi Dancemeditation™. Her facilitation of Breathwork draws on many years of in-depth training and personal experience in this modality, and a background in dance, bodywork and consciousness studies. Teresa’s breathwork facilitation and certification is in the direct linage of Stanislav Grof, originator of holotropic breathwork. Teresa also directs Earthbody Events; performance, artwork and participatory events connected to our interior, relational and ecological nature. 
She brings to all her endeavors warm appreciation of each person's potential and delight in awakening the creative spirit.

Shakti Smith is a psychotherapist, somatic movement educator, energywork professional and master Shamanic Reiki teacher (certified with Llyn Roberts). Her other shamanic teachers include Malidoma Some, Susan Grimaldi, and Robert Murphy. She has trained in advanced yogic breath techniques, Motherwave Breathwork, David Elliot style, and is currently in the training program for Dreamshadow Transpersonal Breathwork. Shakti brings urban folks into nature in Brooklyn's Prospect Park to connect with the energies and support of the trees, plants, and cosmos.

BREATHWORK and Creativity Weekend

January 13 - 14, 2024  with Teresa Smith and Wendy Leffel

Tune in to your psyche and somatic landscape, invoke your inner healer and muse. In this workshop we'll dive deep into our individual and collective sub-conscious through holotropic breathwork, supported by time for dance meditation and improvised singing. Hosted in a peaceful countryside home, this will be a special time to connect with self and others in a safe and supported community setting. 

The basic components of Breathwork are intensified breathing, evocative music, focused bodywork, expressive drawing, and group process. Participants may enter extra-ordinary, deep consciousness states during breathwork, vividly connecting to biographical material that lies below waking consciousness. They may relive experiences from birth, or connect with experiences of other people and life forms. Cathartic emotional release and archetypal, mythic and transcendent realms of consciousness are often experienced. Particular attention is paid to creating a safe space for individual and community healing and evolution. No prior experience in breathwork, singing or dance is needed, beginner's mind encouraged! 

Your host Teresa Smith is a certified facilitator of Dreamshadow Transpersonal Breathwork™ and Grof® Legacy Breathwork. Ms. Smith's facilitation of Breathwork draws on her 12 yrs of personal experience and healing through this modality, and her background in dance, art, bodywork, consciousness studies and Sufi Dancemeditation™. Teresa’s breathwork facilitation is in  the linage of Stanislav Grof, originator of holotropic breathwork. This workshop will be assisted by certified Dreamshadow Transpersonal Breathwork™ facilitator Wendy Leffel, MD.

Dancemeditation™ Workshops 2023

Monthly on Fridays 12/30, 1/20, 2/10, 3/10, 4/14, 5/12, 6/9

5:30 - 7:30 pm in Woodstock, NY  

Open your heart, free your body, enliven your spirit through fluid yoga, meditation, intuitive movement, ecstatic vibration and Sufi whirling. Accompanied by a world music playlist. $15 - $20/class. Info / location here

Teresa Smith - teacher/performer/choreographer; founder of Earthbody Dance and Events. Ms. Smith is a long time Sufi dance practitioner and certified Dancemeditation™ teacher. Teresa brings to her teaching a warm appreciation of each person’s potential and delights in awakening the creative spirit. Particular attention is paid to creating safe space for individual and community evolution through movement. 

Dreamshadow Transpersonal Breathwork™ Journeys

March 25, 2023 one day workshop in Woodstock, NY

9am - 9pm  $60-$75 (with optional overnight)

Inquire here for info, schedule and registration

Dreamshadow Transpersonal Breathwork (DTB) is practiced in a workshop format that promotes experiential self-exploration, personal development and community building in a safe and supportive setting. The basic components are intensified breathing, evocative music, focused bodywork (optional), expressive drawing and group process. 

Participants may enter extra-ordinary, deep consciousness states during breathwork, vividly connecting to biographical material that lies below waking consciousness. They may relive experiences from birth, or connect with experiences of other people and life forms. They may experience cathartic emotional release or enter archetypal, mythic or transcendent realms of consciousness. Particular attention is paid to creating a safe space for individual and community healing and evolution.

DTB is a direct lineage from Stanislav Grof, founder of holotropic breathwork and seminal figure in transpersonal psychology. Facilitated by Teresa Smith, certified as a facilitator of Dreamshadow Transpersonal Breathwork™ and Grof® Legacy Breathwork. Ms. Smith's facilitation of Dreamshadow Transpersonal Breathwork draws on her experience of personal healing through this modality, and her background in movement, bodywork, consciousness studies and meditation.

Individual Breathwork JourneysFlexible dates to fit your schedule, 1 hr - 3 hr sessions by appointment. 

Group Process Breathwork: Individual journeying in a group setting, supporting each other. Spring 2023 - Weekend Workshops and 1 1/2 hr Introductory Workshops. 

Dancing the Landscape of the Imagination

Saturdays 2023: 1/7, 1/14 and 1/21 12-1:30pm, in Woodstock, NY

In these classes we’ll dance our deepest, most amazing selves supported by guided imagery, inspiring music and movement scores. The content taught is designed to release blocked energy and access deep states of consciousness, allowing people of all abilities to move with virtuosity, creativity and beauty. Inspired by Open Source Forms™ and Skinner Releasing Technique™. Additional ecological imagery drawn from Earthbody dance work.* $15 - $20/class.

Teresa Smith - movement teacher/performer/choreographer. Ms. Smith has a deep interest in the integration and development of the 'whole self' (body-mind-spirit) through creativity, dance, inner awareness and non-ordinary states of consciousness. Currently in the teacher training program for Open Source Forms, she has practiced Skinner Releasing Technique for 3 decades. She brings to her teaching a warm appreciation of each person's potential and delights in awakening the creative spirit.

Ceramic Community Hand-building Workshops

Open clay time in my home studio with instruction as requested. Clay and supplies provided. Join us for community creativity and socializing (or solo work), accompanied by music playlists and tea/coffee/cocao. Inquire here.

Best practices to avoid transmission of colds and Covid-19 are encouraged. Masks optional, wash hands, please stay away if you are feeling ill. For some workshops Covid-19 home testing may be required, depending on circumstances and comfort of participants.

 This is Earthbody... a body of performance, teaching and artwork that emerges out of an intimate conversation with the natural environment. I see our own human being as a part of this environment, needing deeper connection... and thus I am attempting to create work that both highlights and merges with other living and present forms...the rocks, waters, trees, creatures, fire and sky.

7/2022 I'm working on a gallery of dance photographs, which I create as a part of 
my artistic and choreographic process, some of which are offered here. 
Gallery page coming soon. (photo copyright Teresa Smith/Earthbody)

July 2022   A lot has happened since I last updated this website. My Earthbody work has developed and deepened in rivers, caves, fields, by the ocean, in galleries and other non-traditional spaces. The Covid-19 pandemic caused a shift to dancing alone and online for a while, a time of contemplating internal spaces and threads of electronic connection. Family, the passing of elders (my parents and some important mentors), and the developing needs of my kids took precedence and became my primary dance (and I found a new love for creating with clay). Yet, as always, moving with consciousness and curiosity has remained a daily joy and support.

All this germinating and experiencing feels finally ready to blossom again. I've returned to a deep study of two dance forms close to my heart, Skinner Releasing and Open Source Forms, the fruits of which which I look forward to sharing in the near future. And I am excited about some new performance work ready to burst forth! Stay tuned for performance and class offerings, and let me know if you are interested in participating or bringing the Earthbody dance work to your community. w/love ~ Teresa

Earthbody at Awosting Falls 55 page photobook
 by photographer/choreographer Teresa Smith Request to preview/order here

New Earthbody Video ! 
 'Immersion Imprintproject; performance and discussion of creative process.
(here on youtube)

Earthbody ~ Ocean of Creativity ~ Retreats
Residential Workshop on the Atlantic Ocean Coast
 with Teresa Smith at Popham Beach State Park, Maine
August 19-26, 2017
Moving Earth Yoga - Creative Hiking - Environmental Dance Individualized Creative Coaching - Photography as Perception -Community Art-making on the Beach- Environmental Arts as Spiritual Practice
Hosted at an Seaside Cottage, 2 minute walk to quiet expanse of gorgeous ocean beach! Small group size, limited spaces available, Info/Updates/Register: Earthbody Ocean Research. 
perceive - pause - swim - explore - dance - hike - meditate - create - perform - connect - rest - release - rock - burrow - dive - flow - relate - unwind - emerge - empathize - energize
Teresa Smith ~ brings to her teaching a deep appreciation of each individual's expression and delights in awakening creative confidence. Ms. Smith choreographs, teaches, performs and explores with/in eco-somatic depths and frontiers, informed by a 30 year practice of site-specific dance and art, authentic movement, contact improvisation, continuum, butoh, release technique, transpersonal studies, sufi dancemeditation and yoga.
Earthbody Events, Workshops and Performances engage individuals and communities in an intimate conversation with their natural environments through dance, ecology, art-making and photography.
Earthbody ~ Ocean of Creativity
Summer Retreats 2016

Residential Weekend Workshops on the Atlantic Ocean Coast with Teresa Smith at Popham Beach State Park, Maine
July 8 - 10, July 15 - 17 & July 22 - 24, 2016
Moving Earth Yoga - Creative Hiking - Environmental Dance Individualized Creative Coaching - Photography as Perception - Community Art-making - Environmental Arts as Spiritual Practice
Hosted at an Ocean-front Historic Home (with option to arrive early or extend your stay) Small group size, limited spaces available, priced for accessibility $225-$250. Info/Updates/Register: Earthbody Ocean Research. 
perceive - pause - swim - explore - dance - hike - meditate - create - perform - connect - rest - release - rock - burrow - dive - flow - relate - unwind - emerge - empathize - energize
Teresa Smith ~ brings to her teaching a deep appreciation of each individual's expression and delights in awakening creative confidence. Ms. Smith choreographs, teaches, performs and explores with/in eco-somatic depths and frontiers, informed by a 30 year practice of site-specific dance and art, authentic movement, contact improvisation, continuum, butoh, release technique, transpersonal studies, sufi dancemeditation and yoga.
Earthbody Events, Workshops and Performances engage individuals and communities in an intimate conversation with their natural environments through dance, ecology, art-making and photography.
(July 25-29 'Free' Performance Workshop ~ by Audition) click here to apply

Earthbody Performance and Art ~ Summer 2015

Earthbody Performances   July 18 (6pm) and July 19 (12pm)
Upper Awosting Falls,  Minnewaska State Park, New Paltz, NY
A member of our company will Meet audience members At the Head of the Upper Awosting Falls Trail  (Lf side of road 500 ft past main park entrance both) and 'guide' you through the site-specific performance.  Look for the person holding up a tall stick with a green gauze streamer.     Questions: Earthbody Info
May - July 2015 ~ Work in Progress at Awosting Falls, NY
Come see the creativity unfolding in original environmental dances. Our rehearsals are mini flash performances.  We are dancing on the earth at this location Mon-Sun. Catch us if you can!

Follow us on Facebook:  Earthbody
Regularly updated with photos, blogs and poetry from our rehearsal process.  If you happen to catch us in rehearsal at Awosting Falls, and you want to connect please send comments and photos to this page Earthbody.

July 18 - 19, 2015 ~ Earthbody Awosting Falls Performances

sign up to see us and receive performance updates:  

I'm delighted to be creating interdisciplinary earth-art based in dance and arising out of spontaneous, intimate conversation with the environment. An adventure in listening, envisioning and directing for me. Currently embodied with dancers  Bea Ehrsam, Emily Feit, D. Hobbit,  David Raponi, Leah Siepel, Meagan Shapiro and Ophra Wolf.

New Earthbody Events! Classes, Jams, Creative Peer Gatherings!

   Connect to the environment of your body and the body of your environment through the practice of movement improvisation and spontaneous performance.   Utilizing authentic movement, choreographic map-making and photographic documentation you'll transform imagination into action, move with the joy of connection and gain confidence in your creative abilities.

Earthbody Events are one of a kind!  Created to inspire and connect each group of participants; beginners and skilled performers, students, kids, elders, artists and audience with their natural world.

Your Earthbody guide & workshop leader is Teresa Smith,
accompanied by guest collaborators in music, art, dance, photography, poetry and nature guiding. 

For information on upcoming workshops and performances or to schedule an event near you please contact (click here)

  "Recently I've concentrated my environmental dance work on guerilla type performances and teaching workshops in evocative natural surroundings.  In 2013-2015 Earthbody events and classes have taken place at the streams and waterfalls, on the rocks and in the woods, in state parks and in backyards in NY, NH, ME, CT and Puerto Rico.  I've been making site-specific dance and performance art for over 30 years. I've performed in fields and forests, in a cabin filled with feathers, on a bicycle, in a large stone fireplace, hanging upside down 30 ft over the audience, in night clubs, store windows, museums, theaters and in the middle of Times Square!  I bring to my teaching a warm appreciation of each person's potential and delight in awakening creative confidence." ~T.Smith

Dance Meditation and Sufi Whirling

open your heart, free your body, rest your mind, enliven your spirit
Tuesdays 6:30 - 8:00 pm
January 7, 14, 21, 28
Jai MA Yoga Center
69 Main Street, New Paltz, NY
$15 (scholarships available)

Mondays 11 am - 12:30 pm
January 6, 13, 20, 27
YogaYoga Studio
446 Main Street, Rosendale, NY
Discover the spiritual, emotional and physical intelligence of your body in motion. In Dance Meditation classes you’ll experience a continuum of heart opening, clarity and expression through fluid yoga, deep relaxation, intuitive movement, ecstatic vibrations and Sufi whirling.
(Dance Meditation is suitable for all abilities, no dance or meditation experience necessary. Please wear loose, comfortable exercise clothing).

Teresa Smith is a certified Dance Meditation teacher and long time Sufi dance practitioner. As an internationally seasoned modern dance choreographer she integrates knowledge of experiential anatomy, Skinner Releasing, Transpersonal Breathwork and yoga in her classes. She brings to her teaching a warm appreciation of each person’s potential and delights in awakening the creative spirit.

Dance Meditation and Sufi Whirling

with Teresa Smith
December 9, 16, 23, 30
Mondays 11 am - 12:30 pm / $10 class
Yoga Yoga Studio, 446 Main Street, Rosendale, NY

Discover the spiritual, emotional and physical intelligence of your body in motion. In Dance Meditation classes you’ll experience a continuum of heart opening, clarity and expression through fluid yoga, deep relaxation, intuitive movement, ecstatic vibrations and Sufi whirling.  (Dance Meditation is suitable for all abilities, no dance or meditation experience necessary. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing, and call ahead with any questions).

Teresa Smith is a certified Dance Meditation teacher and long time Sufi dance practitioner. As an internationally seasoned modern dance choreographer she integrates knowledge of experiential anatomy, Skinner Releasing, Transpersonal Breathwork and yoga in her classes. She brings to her teaching a warm appreciation of each person’s potential and delights in awakening the creative spirit.

Sufi Whirling and Creative Meditation Workshop

with Teresa Smith

 Sunday November  3 ,  4 - 6 pm  

Upstairs Studio at MaMA

3588 Main Street, Stone Ridge, NY

$ 15 (some scholarships available)

This wksp is designed as an introduction to Sufi Whirling Meditation. The class will cover techniques for whirling, an chakra-opening warm-up and plenty of time for meditative and ecstatic whirling in community, accompanied by beautiful, centering music. To conclude the evening we will meditate / write / create visual artwork and share our experiences. (All are welcome. Please wear loose comfortable clothing, whirling skirts over leggings optional.  Bring socks for whirling, and water to drink.) 

Teresa Smith is a certified Dance Meditation teacher and long time Sufi dance practitioner.  As an internationally seasoned modern dance choreographer and teacher she integrates knowledge of experiential anatomy, Skinner Releasing, Transpersonal Breathwork and yoga in her classes.  She brings to her teaching a warm appreciation of each person’s potential and delights in awakening the creative spirit.  

Dance Meditation & Sufi Whirling

Wednesdays 5:15 – 6:45 pm
November 6, 13, 20, 27 
$15 class / $50 series ($5 off per class when you bring a friend)

Open your heart, free your body, rest your mind, enliven your spirit !

Discover the spiritual, emotional and physical intelligence of your body in motion.  In Dance Meditation classes you’ll experience a continuum of exhilaration, clarity and release through fluid yoga, deep relaxation, intuitive movement, ecstatic vibrations and Sufi whirling.

Teresa Smith is a certified Dance Meditation teacher and long time Sufi dance practitioner.  As an internationally seasoned modern dance choreographer and teacher she integrates knowledge of Experiential Anatomy, Skinner Releasing, Transpersonal Breathwork and Yoga in her classes.  She brings to her teaching a warm appreciation of each person’s potential and delights in awakening the creative spirit.  Info: 917-519-4377

Dance Everywhere: Environmental Performance Workshops for Everyone! with Teresa Smith and Rose Oceania

July Series / $15 class or $40 series  

July 9, July 16 and July 23. 7-9 pm

Canal Town Alley Studio & Rosendale parks & trails
(studio is off Main Street, behind The Big Cheese deli)

Learn to see and create spontaneous dance and performance art that grows directly out of your environment.  Through the practice of site-specific dance you'll transform your imagination into action, move with the joy of connection and gain confidence in your creative ability.  Workshops take place both inside and outdoors and draw from dance improvisation, movement theater, performance art, environmental art and human potential. Teresa and Rose create a creative, supportive community that is open to experienced movers, artists and absolute beginners.

August Weekend Intensive   

August 23 - 25, 2013  in New Paltz, NY

Improvising and Performing in the Shawangunk Mountains

Create, Perform & Document your art making activities in our inspired, supportive community.  Exciting schedule of dance improvisation, dance-theater and environmental art classes, hiking, bonfires, hot-tub, healthy meals and many friends!  
Overnight and commuter options. Please inquire for details (sliding scale rates).

Information / Registration: (917-519-4377)

DANCE EVERYWHERE with Teresa Smith

Sunday,  July 7 - 5 - 7 pm at MaMA,  3588 Main Street,  Stone Ridge, NY
(please see description below)  $15

Dance Everywhere: Improvisation in Contact with the Environment with Teresa Smith and Rose Oceania 5/19/13 Sunday 5-7 pm at MaMA, 3588 Main Street, Stone Ridge, NY

Come dance and create inside and outdoors! We'll use the fire-circle, hillside, gardens, cafe, stairwells and studio at MaMA! Cameras, costumes and everyone over 14 yrs. encouraged to attend!

Connect to the environment of your body and the body of your environment through the practice of movement improvisation. Learn to see and create spontaneous composition. Then, inspired by environmental art, flash mobs and performance art we’ll adventure outside to create dances that interact with the world. Through the practice of site-specific dance you'll transform your imagination into action, move with joy of connection and gain confidence in your creative ability.

Rose Oceania performs and co-directs with Zany Angels dance theater and with Zamboni (Hudson Valley dance/music improvisation artists). She has been practicing, performing and teaching dance improvisation and performance to kids and adults for over 20 years. Rose is committed to empowering people to tap their own unique sense of creative expression within an organic approach to learning the elements of dance and artistic thinking. She is also a life coach/counselor, expressive arts specialist to both children and adults,as well as a certified yoga teacher and a visual artist.

Teresa Smith has choreographed and performed site specific dance and performance art in fields and forests, in a cabin filled with feathers, on a bicycle, in a large stone fireplace, hanging upside down 30 ft over the audience, in night clubs, store windows, museums, theaters and in the middle of Times Square! Currently she collaborates with Zamboni Improv/Performance. Teresa has a graduate degree in choreography, a B.A. in dance anthropology and teacher certification in Dance Meditation and yoga. She brings to her teaching a warm appreciation of each person's potential and delights in awakening creative confidence.

April 7, 5-7 PM Contact Connections taught by Teresa Smith @ MaMA, Stone Ridge, NY

From a meditative exploration of connective tissue we’ll move into connecting physically, energetically, emotionally and creatively. We’ll explore ways in which we can chose and follow a sense of connection to ourselves as well as each other. We’ll also notice and give full expression to those sometimes hidden impulses to disconnect. If we are listening, contact improv muses whisper how, when and why we move together and apart. From our individual dances of expansion and contraction we’ll weave a symphony of relationship and enlightened collaboration. Music, mapping and journaling will sometimes accompany this journey.  Open level contact improvisation class.

2013 Contact Improvisation Classes with Teresa Smith

Contact Improvisation is a playful exploration of how the body moves through its own intelligence and how two or more bodies in contact with each other can dance together, responsive to touch, weight, momentum and curiosity. 

Teresa Smith During the past 25 yrs my improvisational movement practice has nurtured me through various stages of life; performing internationally with post-modern choreographers, presenting my choreographic work, teaching, and dancing in the living room while raising children. I bring to my teaching a warm appreciation of each person's potential and I delight in the exchange of creativity found in the CI community.

January 6, 2013, 4-6 PM
Contact Improv: Engaging the Heart through the Physics of Movement
Physical meditations, inspired collaborations and heartfelt jamming!

February 10, 4-6 PM
Contact Improvisation FUNdamentals
In class you’ll learn classic CI movement vocabulary and skills that will help you enter safely and gracefully into this vibrant movement community.  While FUNdamentals is designed to be accessible to the absolute beginner we will also address the interests of experienced dancers.

March 10, 4-6 PM
Contact Improvisation: Games and Score for Embodied Creativity
We'll use movement scores (games) to develop our creative potential.  A yummy warm-up and plenty of time for in-depth individual, duet and group dancing included! 

April 7, 5-7 PM
Contact Connections
From a meditative exploration of connective tissue we’ll move into connecting physically, energetically, emotionally and creatively.

May 5, 5-7 PM
Weight and Breath in Contact Improvisation

Contact Improvisation - Finding Connection in External and Internal Space
Sunday November 6
4 - 6 PM   $15
Marble Town Arts Center, Stone Ridge, NY Directions
Through movement games, experiential anatomy and the 
poetics of Skinner Releasing, we'll seek pathways into states of being 
that can inspire deep personal and collective creativity.  We'll also 
work on growing our facility for embodied movement, revisiting classic 
CI skills that loosen habitual relationships to control, momentum and 
sensation.  Overall an attitude both playful and inquisitive will guide 
us in our learning.

Upcoming Classes for Winter/Spring 2012:
Authentic Movement
Contact Improvisation
Dance Meditation
Creative Dance
(for kids) 
For information and schedule please contact: